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The ThetaHealing® Technique is an energy healing modality created by Vianna Stibal in 1995. Practitioners go into a theta brainwave, a meditative state, to scan the body and find limiting beliefs that may be holding the client back from achieving their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual desires. The technique incorporates aspects of physics and quantum physics whereby the practitioner, using intuitive abilities, witnesses Source Energy or The Creator bring about spontaneous changes for the client’s highest and best good. Neuro- muscular biofeedback (or muscle testing) is also used for the client’s benefit to show particular subconscious programmes have been changed during the session. By changing what we believe and feel, we can make different choices, thereby taking new action and attracting more positive results in our life.



 During a session, I will make sure the client is fully aware and actively participating in their own healing. Current life conditions are as a result of conscious and subconscious “programmes”. By identifying and removing outdated and limiting programmes and “downloading” empowering ones, a client is able to improve their health, mental and emotional wellbeing and radically change the conditions in their life. Areas of focus include: life purpose, clarity in business, stress, relationships, soulmates, depression, anxiety, self image and weight, women’s health, trauma and abuse, skin, anti-ageing, fertility, disease and genetic conditions.



An integrative approach is taken, depending on the client’s particular needs and circumstances. Energy healing is as effective via Skype or internet based sessions as in-person. The effects of a session can usually be felt from the first session, however it is generally recommended to have 4-6 sessions for the full restorative benefit. Thereafter the client will generally feel when it is time for a top up. A more radical transformation is possible via block packages whereby a personalised programme is set up to target key areas and provide a roadmap to facilitate lasting change. Please enquire for more details. 



What is theta healing?

  • An energy healing technique that was developed by Viana Stibal in 1995

  • Practitioner goes into a theta brainwave (meditative state) to channel Source energy, Creator energy. 

  • Uses principles of quantum physics whereby practitioner performs body scan using intuitive senses and witnesses healing

  • Belief work: our reality is a result of what we believe on a subconscious level.  Illnesses, blockages and limiting beliefs are “pulled” and replaced with empowering, positive beliefs.

  • Change your reality by changing your beliefs. Remove programmes that are impeding healing,  thus creating the life you want. We work with feelings, beliefs and setting new actions a result of clearing outdated belief systems.

  • Healer uses variety of methods which can include but not be limited to: past life healing, ancestral healing, use of angels and spirit guides, psychic insights on possible future outcomes given current conditions, information from Higher Self and client guides, instant healings.

What is it for?

  • Theta healing can be used safely and in conjunction with conventional medicine. We do not diagnose or prescribe. Please inform me before the session of any medical conditions. 

  • If there is any area in your life you are not satisfied with - Theta can help. By taking responsibility for everything  in your life, you have the power to change it. 

See chart below

What happens during a session?

Each practitioner has their own style, however a typical session will involve:

  • An intuitive body scan

  • Belief or “digging work”

  • Healing via removing blocks and downloading virtues and empowering beliefs

  • Muscle Testing

  • Possibility outcomes (future readings)

  • Verbal permission to make any belief change and healing: the client is always fully conscious and in charge

  • Clients usually feel a shift after the first session but for deeper seated and long standing issues they may choose to come back for follow up sessions. It is very normal to feel emotional, angry, cry or even start to hate the practitioner! This is good—  it means things are shifting and we have got to the bottom of a deep seated issue in order to remove it. By the end of a session the you leave stable and balanced.

Will it work for me?

Theta healing works for anyone who is ready and willing. Here are some basic pre-conditions for you to have a transformative session:

  • Allowing body and energy scans

  • Belief in a Higher Power, Source, Creator. This technique is non denominational and does not clash or interfere in any religion, faith or belief system. You do however need to believe in a higher consciousness than yourself, as it is this source that facilitates the change.

  • Be willing to take responsibility for your life and be committed to changing

  • Ensuring you are well hydrated before and during the session to enable muscle testing


To Learn more about the ThetaHealing technique, visit

ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK

